Readers’ Forum


Congratulations to Champions

World Champions France are the symbol of the unity between Africa and Europe, between the two ethnic groups, between the Muslims and the Christians, and amongst the people of the world.
There were 14 non-white players out of 23 in the French team that outclassed Croatia 4-2 in the final of the 21st edition of the World Cup Football-the greatest show on the earth. The coach of the team fielded greater number of non-white footballers to expose that the French people are united.
Critics say that French Football team are the multinational team-an example for others to follow. Bangladesh Football Federation a year ago took an initiative to grant citizenship to the players from Africa playing in the Bangladesh Football League for several years. Had it been done, surely Bangladesh National team would have been benefited.
But unfortunately the initiative was intercepted by a section of footballers and their patrons. The BFF under pressure aborted the plan.
We once again ask the BFF to ignite the initiative again. Finally we congratulate both France and Croatia for displaying skillful and artistic football on Sunday.

Peter Rozario
