Readers’ Forum


Protect women

Killing and torture of women for dowry continues and we have failed to stop it. According to Verse No. 4 of Surah An-Nisa, husbands are under obligation to pay dowry to their wives. But in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, women are pressed to pay dowry to their husbands. It is clear violation of the Quran and it is, therefore, crime against humanity. The text of the verse is, “And give unto the women their dowries as a free gift, but if they of their own accord remit unto you a part thereof, then you are welcome to absorb it (in your wealth).”
Contrary to the above verse, wives are tortured to death when they refuse to pay dowry. This is crime and the wrongdoers are liable to severe punishment. Allah says in Verse No. 42 of Surah Shura that He will accuse them only who torture mankind and unjustly rebel in the land. There is severe punishment for such wrongdoers.
The Prophet Muhammad (Sm) banned beating of wives. He issued this decree while delivering the Farewell Hajj Sermon in 632 A.D. in Mecca. So, it implies upon the State to protect the women at any cost, with determination to inflict severe punishment on those who oppress women.

Abdullah Akber
