Readers’ Forum


ICC censures English cricketer

The International Cricket Council (ICC) has censured English cricketer Moeen Ali for his integrity with the Palestine people whom the Israel Armed Forces have been killing indiscriminately for the last 20 days being watched by the rest of the world from the safe distance. He was wearing an arm-band displaying ‘Save Gaza’ in the 3rd cricket test between the hosts England and India.
We always disfavour infiltration of politics into sports, but what did Moyeen do is not mingling of sports with politics. He just displayed his sympathy and love for the unfortunate people, mainly children and women, of Palestine. I don’t find any fault in
Some days ago, about 163 passengers and crew died after an unknown missile hit the plane over Ukraine. We condemn the attack and mourn the death of so many people and share the decision of observing one minute silence on the opening day of the 20th Commonwealth Games underway in Glasgow in Scotland. But why did not the organisers include the unfortunate Palestine victims in their programme? Perhaps they did not do fearing Israeli displeasure. This is politics in sports. Will the Commonwealth Games organisers disagree?

P. Rozario
