Readers’ Forum

Make daughters solvent :
One of the leading Sahabies Saad-bin-Okkas narrates that he fell seriously ill during the Prophet’s farewell Hajj. His condition deteriorating, Prophet came to see his physical condition. I told him, “I am a wealthy person and I have only one daughter to inherit my property. In such situation, can I donate two-thirds of my property? The Prophet said: No, you can’t do it. I said: Half of the property? The Prophet said: No, but one-third or a bit more can be bequeathed. Do you want your daughter to depend on others for livelihood after your death?
It is the best to leave her solvent. Whatever you spend in love of your Allah, you will be rewarded, even if you give a handful of food into the mouth of your wife-(Bukhari Sharif in Bengali, Hadith No. 1061). This Hadith is a reminder to us about our duty towards our daughters and their mothers.

Abu Hossain
