Readers’ Forum


Cost of disunity

The Muslims are divided to fragmentation of holdings. Contrarily, the Christians are united, and so the Jews. Again the Christians, the Buddhists, the Hindus and the Jews are united against the Muslims although a part of the Christians in Germany killed six million Jews during the 2nd World War.
The Muslims are themselves partly responsible for their own miserable condition. Allah says in Verse 46, Surah Anfal, “And obey Allah and His Messenger, and quarrel not one among yourselves lest you become weak in heart and strength departs from you.”
Again He says in Verse 94, Surah An Nisa, “O ye who believe! When you go to war, make investigation; and say not to one who offers peace: Thou art not a believer.”
 A poorly-equipped army cannot fight against another army who possesses modern weapons. Every army needs preparation in all respects. Allah says in Verse No 71, Surah An Nisa, “O you who believe! Take preparation, then advance in column, or advance all together. Again in Verse 41, Surah At Tauba, we read, “Go forth, light-armed ad heavy-armed, and strive with your wealth and your lives for the cause of Allah. That is better if you knew.”
War does not mean adventure, killing of unarmed men and women, old and children, priests and saints, and destructions of civil and commercial establishments. What is Israel doing in the Gaza Strip is not a mere search operation but a total war to destroy a future generation brutally. It must be stopped at once. We think that Hamas should recognise Israel as a State, and in return Israel must take back the Muslims with due compensations evicted from Israel since 1948.
Abdullah Akber
