Readers’ Forum

Power must be used for the welfare of the country :
We do not know what to say, everything is deteriorating so fast. News of killings, recovering of dead bodies have become routine. Law and order has become nonexistent. Instead of feeling relieved by the presence of policemen, people are becoming uneasy because they are more interested in harassing innocent people than nabbing the culprits. We learned that police handcuffed a motorcycle repair shop owner who did not commit any crime and they also blindfolded three university students which is uncalled for.
The actions of police remind me a line from the poem of Rabindranath Tagore “chor chai, je Korei hok, hok na shey je kono lok” meaning “we want a thief, anybody will do.”
We are feeling very uneasy not knowing what is waiting for us in the future. Only a general election which will be conducted in a way that will be acceptable to all could bring peace and stability. Otherwise Bangladesh will be doomed.

Nur Jahan
