Readers’ Forum


Plight of private university teachers

The University Grants Commission (UGC) is hardly concerned about the working environment, salary scheme and workload of the teachers of private universities. In many universities, there is no policy on how and why a teacher should be promoted or terminated from their jobs. I think the UGC should create a policy regarding teachers’ employment which will be mandatory for every university.
Mahbuba Sarker Shama
By email


Exemplary punishment for rapists

As a father, I am anxious about my daughter’s safety. It seems the country has turned into a safe haven for rapists. Hardly a day goes by without a story of someone being raped somewhere in the country. Women are not safe anywhere, not even within the four walls of their homes. What terrifies me most is that even a female child of 5-6 years of age is not safe.
The government has miserably failed to ensure safety for our girls and women. Ensuring exemplary punishment for rapists under the speedy tribunal act can put an end to this crime. We must exert more pressure on the state machinery so that they make sure no incident of rape ever takes place.
Pushpan Chowdhury
