Readers’ Forum


A befitting reply

We heartily thank Barrister Mainul Hosein for his commentary “Don’t you call our children Rajakars: You left for safety leaving others to die” published in The New Nation on April 13 and his comment “It hurts that our students are called children of Rajakars” published on April 16,2018.
It is just unbelievable, we are so unfortunate, this sort of people who talk like this are at the helm of the country therefore it is not difficult to have the idea what is in store for us, the future seems dark and ominous.
We have lost our identity, our voting rights have been snatched, we do not know if in the next general election we would be able to cast our votes without any hindrance. We want a strong Election Commission which will have the guts to arrange a free and fair election under a neutral government, army must be deployed and it is the election commission who has got the power to deploy army, no one has the power to obstruct it.
We are praying the next general election to be acceptable to all and peace and happiness will return to this unhappy nation.

Nur Jahan
