Readers’ Forum


Daughters’ share in father’s property
One of my brothers was looking overcast one day. When I asked him the reason thereof, he said, he has no son(s) but two daughters only. Someone told him that his daughters would not inherit his property after his death. I said: As you have no sons, your two daughters will inherit two-thirds of your property and your wife will get one-eighth, and as your parents are not alive, your daughters will inherit the remaining part of the assets by kinship.
Those who have neither son(s) nor parents, but one daughter only, she will inherit half of the whole estate and his wife will share one-eighth. The deceased’s parents, if alive, will get one-sixth each. (Ref : Al-Quran, Surah An-Nisa, Verse No. 11, 12 and 176).
Ameer Hamzah
