Readers’ Forum


Destruction in Gaza

What the western imperialists desire, the Tel Aviv government executes, while toothless Russia and moneylender China watch it from safe distance. The USA, the UK, France and former Soviet Union were the founders of an illegitimate State of Israel on the soil of the Palestines in 1948. And since Russia was the largest component of the Soviet Union, it will not take stand against Israel.
On the other hand, the Beijing government itself has banned fasting in their country, and therefore, how could we expect strong role from China against massacre of new generation and women in Gaza Strip?
The Arab disunity, the axis between the Gulf States and the USA, the rise of ISIL to contain Iran, the inactivity of the OIC and the UNO have indulged Israel to carry holocaust in Gaza Strip. We think that it is part of the greater Israel campaign, which the Arab governments cannot perceive. In truth, the Christian world is taking revenge of their defeats in Crusade between the 11th and the 13th centuries. Historian Gibbon says that the stupid, the barbarians and the uneducated Christians from Europe declared war on the Muslims. Hitti said, the crusade was simply the Catholic Churches’ evil design of executing mass destruction in Palestine.
Adolf Hitlar is accused of killing 60 lakh Jews during the 2nd World War and so the Jews State should have been in part of Germany, not in Palestine.
Still Israel can be recognized if the Tel Aviv government agrees to the return of the evicted Palestine people to their fatherland, pays compensation to the wars affected people and gives consent to the emergence of a sovereign state in Gaza strip and West Bank. Otherwise, there will be no peace.
P. Rozario
