Readers’ Forum


We condemn

We condemn indiscriminate bombing of Gaza strip, destruction of civil and commercial establishments, and the killing of Palestine people by Israel, and at the same time ask Hamas to stop firing of rockets into Israeli territory. The bloodshed and holocaust cannot continue for years; efforts should be there to find a permanent solution, and we suggest the followings.
1. Recognition of Israel as a legitimate state by the Arab countries and Iran in return to acceptance of Palestine as a sovereign and independent state by Tel Aviv,
2. Right to build Armed Forces by the Palestine government,
3. Holding of soccer matches, off and on, between Israel and Palestine,
4. Payment of compensations to the successors of the evicted Muslims from Israel in 1948 and afterwards,
Egypt, Jordon and Syria sincerely trusted former Soviet Union in war with Israel in 1967 and 1973 and lost a vast tract to Tel Aviv, part of which could be recovered after the USA brokered deal. The Arab world must accept that Israel is a reality right now regardless of its process of creation in 1948. A third Arab-Israel war or a scattered conflicts between Israel and Palestine will have no result in favour of Arabs and Palestines. So, solution lies only in mutual recognition of Israel ad Palestine as sovereign states.
Ameer Hamzah
