Readers’ Forum


Groundwater problem of Dhaka city

Dhaka city and its adjacent metropolitan areas have a population of over 16 million. The increasing population of this city is exerting immense pressure on groundwater resources. If the trend continues, it will be very difficult to keep the water table within the extraction limit. Groundwater and surface water contribute about 85.82 percent and 14.18 percent respectively of our total water use.
The water table was 18-22 metres below the ground before the mid-20th century in Dhaka city and its adjacent areas. However, due to hasty urbanisation, the water table started diminishing from the 80s. Currently, in most areas of this city, the average groundwater depletion rate has been recorded around 2-3 metre per year.
Rainwater harvesting could be one of the effective solutions to lessen the water crisis. Recycling and reusing of waste water is another option to mitigate this problem. On the other hand, the planning bodies and policymakers of our country should commence necessary steps as early as possible for an uninterrupted supply of pure and pollution-free groundwater for the residents of this mega city.
SM Saify Iqbal
