Readers’ Forum


The shame of corporal punishment

I read with great interest that last Saturday (January 13) Bangladesh celebrated its 7th Anniversary of the law that bans the hideous and cruel practice of corporal punishment in schools and madrassas.
How shameful that a law had to be introduced to prevent this horror from happening. It’s wrongness, should be natural to all Allah loving people. How even more horrifically shameful it is to learn the practice still continues. That’s disgraceful.
My family and I congratulate High Court justices, Md. Imman Ali and Justice Md. Sheikh Hasan Arif for introducing the law and a special thank you from the bottom of our hearts to, seemingly, solo anti-corporal punishment crusader Sir Frank Peters for his relentless efforts to stop it.
Without Sir Frank continuously chipping away at the cancer that’s ailing the nation, I’m in no doubt the situation would be a lot worse and people would not be as enlightened about its negative effects on our children as many are now.
The sooner we all learn to abolish corporal punishment in schools, homes and madrassas, the sooner Bangladesh will prosper and face the world as a proud, civilized nation. I pray for that day to come soon.
Eng. Asif Kamal and family,
Rampura, Dhaka.
