Readers’ Forum


Robotics in agriculture

Robotics is a branch of artificial intelligence which is devoted to the engineering of robots. Now robots are everywhere, in our homes, factories, hospitals and even in the battle fields. One robot can perform the work of 10 humans more accurately and efficiently. After the revolution initiated by computers, robotics is developing fast to take over human labour in every segment of our life. At present robots are performing even medical surgeries at a level impossible for humans to perform.
Application of robotics in agriculture is getting popularity. Robots are doing a number of post-harvest activities which include cleaning and packaging of agricultural products. In horticulture, robots are being used to harvest fruits. Robotic milking machines are on work allowing the cows to milk themselves. GPS-based automated steering tractors are on application which are more efficient than conventional tractors and uses less fuel and helps in the conservation of soil.
Advanced countries are investing a huge amount of money to do research on robotics for innovating new robots and their efficient applications in different fields including agriculture. I think our country being an agricultural one, should undertake research projects for designing and developing the robotic technologies for application in the field of agriculture.

Professor M Zahidul Haque
SAU, Dhaka
