Readers’ Forum


Fringing freedom of religion

The freedom of religion is universally recognised. None can encroach upon this right. If any individual or any association or any government does it, it must be condemned with call to the encroacher to withdraw the restriction.
Sadly, contrary to the universal recognition, the Chinese government has banned fasting in the Xinjiang region in the northeast of the country for public servants, students and teachers. By it, China has exposed its ugly face not only to the Muslim world, but also to the whole planet.
The state run Bozhou Radio and TV University said on its website that it would enforce the ban on the party members, the teachers and the youths so that they refrain from taking part in the Ramadan activities.
The ban, however, does not surprise us because the Chinese government has been depriving the Muslims of right to public jobs, education, health service and religious rituals.
The Chinese government spokesman said, month long fasting will affect the health of the public servants, the students and the teachers. “We want their health intact,” he said.
In fact, this idea is incorrect. Fasting never affects human health. It, rather, injects spirit and stimulates energy as agreed by the doctors after research. So, the Chinese government has taken a wrong decision. The sum summation is that the communist regime in China is in principle anti-religion and the Muslims are the victims of their ultra anti-religious policy and actions. It must be withdrawn immediately.

