Readers’ Forum


We remember Rokeya

We hardly remember Begum Rokeya, who dedicated her entire life for the expansion of education among the Muslim women of Bengal. She established a school in Calcutta and moved from post to pillar and pillar to post in search of students. She worked hard, never gave in, she was undaunted, and a woman of indomitable character and loyal to own religion. That is why she never abandoned hizab (veil). She got success and did what the Prophet Muhammad (Sm) said. “It implies upon every Muslim, man and woman, to learn.”
But the task was not easy. The Muslim women during that time were barred from going to schools and learning subjects like Bengali, Mathematics and English. The father of Begum Rokeya did not like his daughters to learn all these subjects and to go outside the house. But Rokeya was knowledge thirsty and she received all out supports of her elder brother Ibrahim Saber. When every member of the family fell deep asleep, Ibrahim taught his sister English and Bengali.
Rokeya got support of her husband also, who was Deputy Magistrate. Their conjugal life was short-lived. At the time of death, Sakhawat gave Rokeya all that he had. She spent every penny for the expansion of education. She was born on December 9 in 1980 and died on December 9 in 1930. The great lady should be remembered always and every Muslim woman should be like her.

Abdus Rashid Chowdhury
