Readers’ Forum

We are feeling lost :
As a citizen of Bangladesh, I think it is my sacred duty to speak out about issues, which are harmful for the country. It is my firm belief that most of the people will agree with me.
Deprived of our voting rights we are feeling lost and very unhappy, we want a participatory election under a neutral government and an Election Commission which will have all the power to conduct it free and fairly. This demand is of the people, not of any political parties.
The General Secretary of Awami League and Minister Obaidul Quader said on November 12 that BNP’s demand for a caretaker government is “mama barir abdar”. Has the Minister forgotten that it was Awami League who demanded it and made havoc to achieve their goal?
A number of elections were held under it and people were happy, we do not understand why suddenly AL decided to discard the system, we learned that some high ups of AL were also against the decision.
Therefore, to save the country from anarchy people’s demand must be fulfilled. Those who are in power must remember that this country belongs to the people. They must not be ignored ever.

Nur Jahan
