Readers’ Forum


Wrong leadership

I feel for JSD, I feel for the party’s all those leaders and workers who died for the cause of scientific socialism, but I am sorry for those of the party’s central leaders who resorted to adventure, giving up the road to democratic revolution.
There is no doubt that Marx’s three slogans made the party popular among the young Turks who took up arms to fight for a sovereign homeland in the eastern part of the then Pakistan in 1971. These slogans were ‘Revolution, Revolution, Social Revolution,’ Struggle, Struggle, Class Struggle,’ and Workers of the world, unite.’
JSD was formed on October 31 in 1972 with independent character of Marxism though there was a dozen of other leftist parties. Colonel Taher wrapped the party with pro-Chinese philosophy in the armed forces, which created confusion about the party’s real ideology. As a result, the popular support began to dwindle gradually. Taher may be compared with Colonel Ahmed Untung, the Chief of the President’s Guard Regiment, and a member of the PKI-Indonesian Communist Party during sixties.
Both of them tried to capture state power by military coup de’ tat instead of democratic revolution. As a result, both JSD and PKI central leaders were in confusion about what to do. Rather, death of several senior army officers made their position weak and vulnerable. The coup failed and power moved to the rightwing generals.
JSD is now divided and sub-divided. I do not know whether it is possible to bring the leaders together to emerge as a real democratic party. Some are enjoying the perks and packages siding with the party in power or even brokering with the men in the corridors of power. But efforts can be taken by any of the undivided JSD leaders.
Abdullah Chowdhury

Building anti-crime awareness


The murders of mother and son at Kakrail and father and daughter at Badda last week and often inhuman torture of children exposes complete erosion of ethics and morality from the society. We do not know what will happen to the assassinators and the criminals in this world, but we know that Allah will never spare them from punishment as deemed fit.
The Prophet Muhammad (SM) said, no murderer shall be spared from the appropriate punishment. This is the crime that will be tried first-(Bukhari Sharif: Crime chapter). But are how people aware of this caution? I am sure when a man will be conscious thereof, he will think twice before committing gruesome crime like murder.
So, it implies upon the government to advertise the aforesaid warnings repeatedly through the both electronic and printing media.
Will the government take initiative?

Abdur Rashid
