Readers’ Forum

The American injustice :
The whole world is now in turmoil. Violent incidents are taking place killing innocent people and injuring many. It is not difficult to guess why these are happening and who is responsible for this.
Former US President GW Bush with the support of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair attacked Iraq on a false pretext, claiming it has weapon of mass destruction. But the real reason was to grab Iraq’s oil for the prosperity of America’s weapons industry.
Iraq, the cradle of civilisation, a country of rich history, fell apart for the lust of America. Afghanistan and Libya were also not spared. America made havoc in those countries not caring about their inhabitants. What a cruel and selfish act from a country to which people used to look up with awe!
We are feeling very uneasy not knowing what is going to happen next. May the Almighty Allah save the mankind from sufferings and injustice.

Nur Jahan
