Readers’ Forum


Food adulterators

I was shocked to read the news report published by the Prothom Alo, which shed some light on the dishonest traders injecting silica gel into shrimps to increase their weight. The gel is used in liquid form which becomes solid afterwards. Because of this adulteration, foreign buyers are losing their confidence in Bangladeshi shrimp, which is negatively affecting our shrimp exports abroad.
Food adulteration in our country has been going on unabated. The government must establish a vigorous monitoring mechanism, along with a strict law, to curb this practice by corrupt traders.
Abul Khaer


Making Dhaka safe for women

Recently, a survey conducted by Thomson Reuters Foundation revealed that Dhaka is the seventh worst megacity for women. This exposes a grim picture of our city. The fact that women don’t feel safe on the streets of Dhaka should make us all ashamed.
Despite the increasing participation of women in all spheres of social, political and economic activities, they are still struggling hard to break the shackles of this patriarchal society. If we cannot make this city safe for women, it will not only affect our aspiration to build a society based on equity, but also hamper our economic prosperity. Therefore, it is urgent that the authorities take notice of the situation and take appropriate measures to make Dhaka safe for women.
Md Sadequr Rahman
Maniknagar, Dhaka
