Readers’ Forum


Reading history

The Muslims never drove away the Buddhists from the soil of India-their breeding land, did not kill 60 lakh Jews in Europe and other parts of the world during the second World war, and had no plan to annihilate the Sikhs. Yet the Buddhists, the Jews and the Sikhs have targeted us and are desperate to kill and ruin the Rohingya Muslims. We shall advise them to read the History to reform themselves first in the interests of the world peace.
The Muslims ruled the whole of India for several centuries from 712 A.D. to to 1757 A.D. But the Muslim rulers never forced the non-Muslims to return to Islam. Had they any such plan, India would have been then a Muslim majority country.
The BJP government is reportedly rewriting History of India by the pet writers to hide the truth. If it is done, that will damage the future of their present and the future generations. So, the BJP government should think twice before resorting to adventure.

Abdullah Rahi
