Readers’ Forum

Make treatment affordable :
When we fall sick, or feel discomfort, we go to physicians and hospitals. It is not that every patient gets cured. Improper application of medicines, patients’ late approach to doctors for treatment, doctors’ failure to diagnose diseases and high cost of treatment in hospitals, private hospitals in particular, bar us to get cured. We pay money for treatment. But when we cannot pay money, there is no treatment. Moreover, the cost is too high and many cannot afford it.
That is why it implies upon the State to bear the poor men’s treatment costs. Sometimes patients die, or sometime similar disease returns shortly due to medical negligence. We do not, in most cases, file complaint in the court against the accountable hospitals, doctors, assistants and staff, but we can lodge complaint with Allah Who is not heedless of doing justice.
However, there are many doctors like Professor Salma Yasmin Chowdhury (Surgery) and Dr. Abdus Salam (Urologist) who are sincere and kind to the patients. As an institution, the Plastic and Burn Unit of the Dhaka Medical College and Hospital has earned wide reputation riding on its doctors’ medical sense, skillness and application. Every hospital and clinic should be like PBU of the DMCH.
Khurshida Haque