Readers’ Forum


Hardly any free-space left in the city

As a city of close to nine million people, it is no wonder that crowdedness and maneuverability are becoming a growing concern in Dhaka. The masses of obstacles, both in the form of both people and things, at times prevent children from safely and easily walking to school. The situation also causes difficulties for elderly people attempting to take a stroll around. Even for the average physically able person, getting around in Dhaka is no easy task.
Extreme traffic jams during school hours, and slightly more mild ones during all hours, are a regular feature. The roads filled with cars, buses, scooters and rickshaws contribute even more to the congested environment.
Dhaka city mayors have so far made quite a few improvements to the project of freeing up footpaths in parts of the city. Banani Road 2, particularly from Mohakhali to Gulshan 1, on the side facing the Jal Khabar restaurant, should be next on the agenda to free up space. Currently, it is fully occupied by shops, vendors and makeshift eateries. I firmly believe that the ease of mobility will go up tremendously if more actions are taken to get rid of all such illegal establishments which are making the lives of city-dwellers harder.

Jamshaid Taher
