Readers` Forum


Politics over Statue

We are stunned and just cannot believe that the statue of Lady Justice was removed in the dead of night from the premises of the Supreme Court. Beautiful sculptures are the pride of a country, people look at those admiringly. How could the government bow down to the demand of some quarters that had no importance to the government in the past? Has the Awami League become unsure of winning the next election so they are wooing voters at any cost?
Statue of Justice has been removed and with it our hope for justice has also vanished.
Nur Jahan
Quality teaching

During his recent trip to the Arab-Islamic-American summit in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, President Trump urged the leaders of 55 nations to drive terrorists out of our communities and our places of worship.
In a candid interview with CNN on October 25, 2015, Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said that the Iraq war helped give rise to ISIS. Meanwhile Hillary Clinton, in a debate with Bernie Sanders during the US presidential campaign of 2016, said that it had been the wrong decision for her country to go to war with Iraq. The then Bush administration ignored the resolutions proposed by the UN; the resulting war killed hundreds of thousands of people, and forced millions of Iraqis to add to the staggering number of refugees fleeing to Europe and other neigbouring countries.
Similarly, recently, US-led air strikes on Syria from September 2014 to May 23, 2017, have killed 1,481 innocent people, among whom 319 were children. More than 10,000 civilians were killed by Saudi-led airstrikes supported by the USA and Britain. The recent arms deal between USA and Saudi Arabia worth USD 110 billion is going to take effect immediately, and God knows how many innocent people are going to be killed in Yemen in the coming days. Instead of blaming Muslim countries for their lack of initiative in weeding out terrorism, USA should first refrain from invading Middle Eastern countries and arming rebel groups.
Md. Jonny Hossain
