Readers’ Forum


Poor BBC radio-signals in Bhola

I live in mofussil in Upazila (Head Quarter) Lalmohan in the district of Bhola. I am used to listen to BBC news since 1967 using a three-band Transistor over short wave 25, 31, 41 & 48. BBC news is absolutely neutral (Bangla news). It is popular and reliable, hence we have firm confidence in it for a long period.
But it is unfortunate to say in recent days, we can not listen to BBC Bangla News because of poor radio signals.
The cause(s) of such non-receipt of radio signals is/are not known to us. Maybe, it is for some specific technical hazards or BBC has changed its transmission schedules/wave-lengths.
However, we would request BBC authorities, here in Bangladesh, to look into the matter and help the listeners at far away places to tune to BBC news without hindrance.

A.K. Md. Salem
Lalmohan, Bhola
