Readers` Forum


Help disadvantaged children

I read The Daily Star’s reports on a global campaign named ‘100 million for 100 million’, and a local one of the Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE) organised in Dhaka on April 2, 2017. The campaigns discussed how we can help underprivileged children who are deprived of healthcare, education, and protection in Bangladesh.
According to CAMPE there are around 60 lakh underprivileged children in Bangladesh. Although the rate of child labour dropped from 34 lakh in 2001 to 17 lakh in 2013, it is still alarmingly high and threatens our development as a nation. We must prioritise child development above anything else, focusing on providing basic sustenance, education and training, financial stability, and opportunities for social and self-development. I hope we, as well as the authorities, take measures to tackle these issues immediately.
Shamir Sarkar,
