Readers’ Forum


Provisions for senior citizens

In a report published today by one of our leading Bangla newspapers, the honourable Finance Minister reiterated the need for better provisions for the senior citizens in our society. Many face neglect from their children, who remain overburdened under professional responsibilities. Meanwhile, there are insufficient seats in old homes to accommodate these senior citizens in need of care.
We need to train and provide a larger number of caregivers for them. Even the Parents Care Act 2013 has several disparities regarding the amount of money to be allocated to older citizens. The act needs to be implemented more stringently and efficiently.
The concerned authorities need to build more old homes and ensure safety and maintenance standards that are up to par. With the life expectancy of citizens increasing due to the improved healthcare, more money should be allocated in the social safety net of the next budget, so the various needs of older citizens can be catered to. The private sector can also help by offering them appropriate job opportunities with decent incomes. Meanwhile, as a society, we must come forward to raise awareness regarding these issues and provide platforms for the voices of our older citizens.

Zubair Khaled Huq
By email
