Readers’ Forum


Repair our damaged road

We, the inhabitants of Ilsha, Banshkhali upazila under Chittagong district are suffering from poor road conditions in the areas between Gunagori and the Musharraf Ali Mia Bazaar. The damaged road makes it extremely difficult for students and working professionals to travel, and sometimes even causes CNG vans to turn over and cause road crashes.
We strongly urge the authorities to take steps to repair the damaged road.

Md. Towfiqul Islam
Ilsha village,


Sound pollution

The streets of Lalmatia are full of hawkers advertising their merchandise using incredibly loud microphone announcements. It was tolerable even a few years ago, but the noise level has now become unbearable, especially for the children and medical patients living in the area.
I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to look into this issue immediately.

Zubair Khaled
