Readers’ Forum


Friendship for sharing ideas

Of the newspaper across the globe, the letter writing column is an integral part, and that is why most of the newspaper authorities demand rich and fabulous information from the letter writers. We cannot say that contents of how many letters are given attention, but we, those who write, may build a bridge of message and friendship among us. Through this column, I take the opportunity to request all those, who write in this paper, to take initiative to build a friendship free from politics.

Abdullah Akber


Khilkhet Rly-crossing: A danger point

While travelling last Friday, my car was blocked by vehicles, vendors and pedestrians halfway across the Khilkhet railway track on the airport road. We could hear the whistling of a speeding train. Somehow pushing through the cluster of traffic in front of us, we escaped mere seconds before we being crushed by the oncoming train.
I urge the local authorities to ensure that at least 100 feet on either side of railway crossing points are kept clear for safety.
Sirajul Islam,
Paribagh, Dhaka
