Readers’ Forum


Disunity and division concern most

Several Arab countries ruled by monarchs have not condemned US President Trump’s ban on immigrations from seven Muslim countries, inviting the enemies of Islam to exploit the disunity and division among the OIC members. In this regard, I like to quote from the Holy Quran, Verse No. 46 of Surah Anfal. The text is:
“And (O you who believe) obey Allah and His Messenger, and dispute not (among yourselves), for you will lose courage and yours strength will depart; and be patient. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.”

Ameer Hamzah


They go the other way so soon

The US President has ordered to put Iran on notice for conducting a test of the Inter-continental ballistic missile a few days ago. But Russia has taken the side of Iran, saying the Tehran government has not violated its nuclear deals with six major countries.
Now the question is whether will Russia risk to nuclear war with the USA? The war experts reply in the affirmative arguing that Russia has more nuclear arsenals than the USA and those arsenals are enough to destroy the whole world several times.
The resumption of fighting between the Pro-Russian soldiers and the government troops in Ukraine is a signal to Washington that Moscow will not stand silent if its allies are attacked. Yes, it is Russia that can save the mankind from holocaust.

Abbas Uddin
