Reaching urban facilities to villages stressed


City Desk :
Reaching the urban facilities to the villages can be the best way of substantial and sustainable reduction of influx of people to urban areas from villages.
Many of the rural people are seen migrating to urban areas in search of work, food and shelter as well as getting a better life every year. So, utmost emphasis should be on ensuring urban amenities to the villagers collectively as the present government under the prudent and visionary leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is pledged to do the same.
The observations came at a daylong regional workshop styled “Amar Gram Amar Shohor” hosted by the Regional Public Administration Training Centre (RPATC) at its conference hallin Rajshahi recently. Around 60 district and upazila level officials from different line departments and other stakeholders joined the workshop, reports BSS.
Member Directing Staff of BPATC, Savar, Abu Momtaz Saaduddin Ahmed addressed the opening ceremony as chief guest; while another Member Directing Staff Baby Rani karmakar spoke as special guest with RPATC Deputy Director Parvez Raihan in the chair.
RPATC Assistant Director Abdullahel Baki moderated the discussion, while Executive Magistrate Imranul Haque gave an illustration on the issue during his keynote presentation. In his remarks, Saaduddin Ahmed urged the participants to put in their level best efforts to supplement the government endeavor of reaching the urban privileges to the rural people to improve their living and livelihood conditions.
He told the meeting that the present government led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been working relentlessly to uplift the socio-economic condition of the villagers through ensuring them with requisite facilities.
In the workshop, the participants were acquainted with Amar Gram Amar Shohor besides enabling them to understand and realize its importance.
They were also sensitized and given knowledge to contribute towards achieving the main objectives of Amar Gram Amar Shohor. In group discussions, the participants also devised ways and means on how to attain the cherished goal that will also support the sustainable development goals.
