RDS of IBBL to boost rural economy

Economic Reporter :
Rural Development Scheme (RDS) of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited is providing investment facilities to agricultural, farming and off-farming activities in the rural areas with a view to boosting country’s economy.
Under this scheme, IBBL is financing for income generating activities to the rural unemployed youths and the underpriviledged people.
Bangladesh with its 40 per cent people living below poverty line and 18 per cent living in absolute poverty is suffering from acute rural-urban economic disparity coupled with illiteracy, lack of proper health and sanitation facilities. The country’s economy is basically an agrarian one with vast majority living in rural areas.
IBBL was founded with the major objective of establishing Islamic economy for balanced economic growth by ensuring reduction of rural-urban disparity and equitable distribution of income.
A solvent family, own house, a piece of arable land- are the common dream of low income people. Monowara Begum, a housewife of Paikpara village under Patia Upazila of Chittagong used to cherish the same. But poverty cripples her dream.
She started finding the way to get rid of proverty. She learnt about the Rural Development Scheme of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited from neighbors. Manowara became a member of the scheme under Hazrat Fatima (RA.) center at Patia Branch of the Bank in 2005.
The scheme acts as the charioteer of her dreams. She took Tk. 5 thousand interest-free micro investment from the scheme in the first phase and started cloth business. Up to now she availed investment facilities for 11 times from this scheme to expand her business. Monowara now supplies cloths, bed sheet, curtain, lungi, children’s wear and other garments at local markets as well as in Chittagong city. Monwara is now a successful business woman.
Like Monwara Begum, more than 9 lac members from 19 thousand villages of the country have got rid of proverty by the finacial assistance of Rural Development Scheme of the Bank.
The scheme has brought self-reliance and prosperity in the life its of members. Few years ago, the rural population was poor fellow. Rural women were the worst victims of helplessness. Women were not allowed to take part in earnings. Public and private institutions in recent times have been giving effort to change the image of the rural area. Islami Bank has been contributing in women’s empowerment, employment generation and financial inclusion in rural Bangladesh through this scheme. Islami Bank has invested Tk. 19225 million in this scheme till September 2015 since introduction in 1995. The IBBL RDS is now being considered as a tool for rural development.