RCC implementing integrated urban development project


National Desk :
Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC) has been implementing a mega project involving around Taka 3,000 crore for improving living and livelihood condition of its people.
The project titled, “Integrated Urban Infrastructure Development in Rajshahi City” is being implemented aiming to promote the city’s major need-based sector.
City Mayor AHM Khairuzzaman Liton revealed this while inspecting various ongoing infrastructure development works including road carpeting and drainage at different areas in the city Friday afternoon.
He said while enquiring total progress of the works that the project will contribute a lot towards building a modern city.
Liton listed around 69 infrastructural development works will be implemented under the project that includes construction of six flyovers, 60 Bangabandhu Murals, central Shaheed Minar, 17 foot-over bridges and walkways besides water bodies.
