Ray of Light Care starts professional care services

Economic Reporter :
Ray of Light Care has started its first ever comprehensive professional care services in the country. The organisation provides personal care and home help services including nursing, companionship, befriending, respite care, day care and childcare services by highly trained professionals, a press statement said on Monday.
The organisation also provides full support for regular household chores such as the bill paying, banking, and shopping needs by highly trained staff. This makes Ray of Light Care Services a very unique organisation ready to offer clients any and every household care assistance, the statement added. Nizam Chowdhury, managing director of Ray of Light Care Services, says “Currently, neither in the developed nor in the developing world, the growing demand for care services is being met with a proportionate growth in the number of qualified professionals”.
In view of the services, Nizam Chowdhury said in his message, ‘We are a family run business and ‘Ray of Light Care Services’ is like a family. Our mission is simple – to make changes, to help you make an informed choice and decision about your care at home. We do this by providing valuable information, accessible and dependable caring support services at your doorstep or in our office that are also affordable and good value for money.’
The organization also provides full support for regular household chores such as the bill paying, banking, and shopping needs by highly trained staff. This makes Ray of Light Care Services a very unique organization ready to offer clients any and every household care assistance.
With an encouraging number of responses, Ray of Light Care Services is looking forward to set the standard as a pioneering services provider in this sector, which is poised to grow in coming times. Children, sick, disabled and the elderly people can be finally trusted with professionals fully trained by a very experienced management at Ray of Light Care Services.All in all this organization provides a comprehensive support which is going to be tailor-made to your needs and requirements.