Rawhide processing: Govt warns against using child labour

UNB, Dhaka :
The Ministry of Labour and Employment on Wednesday warned that action will be taken under the Labour Act if child labour is used in rawhide preserving and processing during the upcoming Eid-ul Azha.
The ministry will monitor whether any child is used in risky works of rawhide preservation, transportation and processing, said a press release.
Eid-ul-Azha, the second largest religious festival of Muslims, will be celebrated in the country on August 1.
The ministry, for the first time, issued a letter to the Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishment directing to take necessary measured in this regard ahead of Eid.
The rawhide industry is not healthy due to the use of acid and other chemicals in the processing that have negative impact on children’s mental and physical development, the letter said.