JP Council: Raushan chief patron, GM Quader chairman, Ranga SG


Staff Reporter: Councilors of the Jatiya Party on Saturday elected Raushan Ershad, wife of the party’s founder HM Ershad, as the party’s chief patron and party`s existing chairman GM Quader as chairman while Moshiur Rahman Ranga was elected as Secretary General.
About 8,000 councillors of the party elected them during the ninth council of the party held at Institution of Engineers in the capital.
In a major change to its charter, the Jatiya Party on Friday created the ceremonial post called ‘chief patron` and picked Raushan Ershad for in an emergency meeting of the party`s presidium held at JP chairman`s Banani office at Dhaka.
The presidium meeting`s decision to amend the charter was approved in the council.
The party`s highest power would remain in the hands of GM Quader and he would preside over all the party meetings, besides Raushan will hold the party`s honourary post, the party sources said.
