Ratha Yatra celebrated in Port City

Ratha Yatra seen passing the city street on Wednesday participated by a large numbers of devouts to Sri Jagannath Dev. NN photo
Ratha Yatra seen passing the city street on Wednesday participated by a large numbers of devouts to Sri Jagannath Dev. NN photo
Chattogram Bureau :
The traditional festival of the Sanatani Hindu community -Ratha Yatra was celebrated in the Port City with religious fervor on Thursday .
 Thousand hundreds of devout Hindus participated the celebrations. The journey of Jagannath Dev religiously known as Ratha Yatra began from Nandan Kanan Rather Pukur par under the auspices of Central Ratha Jatra Udjapan committee from 3 PM. Later, two Ratha Yatra processions were brought out from DC Hall premises and ISKON Pabartak area separately .
Deputy Minister for Education Barrister Mubibul Hasan Chowdhury Nowfel inaugurated the religious festival by releasing balloons at Pabartak Sangha premises as Chief Guest.