Rash Mela begins in Rangpur

Rangpur Correspondent :
A 10- day long Rash Mela, one of the biggest festivals of the Hindu community has begun at Mahiganj Pareshnath temple premises in Rangpur city Friday evening.
State Minister for Local Government Rural Development (LGRD) and Cooperative, Moshiur Rahman Ranga formally inaugurated the fair as chief guest.
Some 35 stalls have been set up in the fair. Different kinds of handicrafts and cottage industry items, handloom products, showpieces, flower items, child toys, food items are being displayed and sold in the fair.
The fair also includes various cultural programmes like Palagan,Kirton, and Radha dance.
Talking to this T N N correspondent on Saturday Santos Roy, a visitor said that he came to the fair along with his family members to enjoy the programmes and to buy some products.
Like previous years, a good number of visitors from different religions are visiting the fair everyday with much enthusiasm.