Rapists get their courage from incompetence of the government

Members of treasury and opposition benches in parliament on Tuesday in a chorus demanded that the law enforcement agencies should kill rapists in ‘crossfire’ to bring an end to the spree of rape in recent times.
Taking floor on point of order, they also demanded that the government should amend the law incorporating provision of death penalty for rapists. MPs asked the Home Minister why only those who were engaging in illegal drugs trade were put in crossfires but not those who raped women.
While it’s true that rape is a heinous crime — the frequency of reported rapes has almost doubled in the past year alone, it is not right for MPs –who are supposed to uphold the law, to say openly in parliament that the security forces should go for extra-judicial killings.
We do blame the MPs who themselves are in the parliament in a lawless manner and they were chosen for their incompetence. If we tolerate an unelected government not accountable to the people then the men in power think everything goes unchallenged and uninterrupted where the people consider themselves too weak to resist.
We said it then and we say it again now that crossfire killing was used as a means of politics of terrors in the past. No responsible government can permit crossfire punishment by the police.
Because this government does not want judiciary to function independently and believes in police power for political use, it is to be expected that men in government will have the police all powerful.
Till we cannot ensure a democratic government, the empowerment of police shall remain as the government’s hope. Extra-judicial killings, disappearances and fabricated police cases would be more evident to keep everyone under pressure who does not agree with wrongs and injustices that people usually suffer in the hands of the government.
The cruelty in running the government has permeated all the corners of the country. We now have a country where cruelty prevails everywhere.
The rapists get their courage from the incompetence of the government and helplessness of the people. The members of disciplined forces like all other institutions of good government are decaying under this government.
The government in any democratic country for the horrific incompetence in protecting people’s money in banks, girls from rapists or safety and security in roads would have resigned in shame.
As the government has no ability to take responsibility for running a responsible government, so easy killing without trial by police is seen by them as an easy solution.
Why our people are being so punished helplessly, we have no answer. The power of killing anybody in police crossfire will also be helpful for those MPs to create panic among their opponents against their misdeeds in their areas.