DNA test: Rapist named father

bdnews24.com :
A court in Magura has sentenced a man to life in prison after a DNA test confirmed him as the father of a child born of rape.
The child will be raised on government funds until the age of 21 and will bear the assailant’s surname.
Magura’s Women and Children Repression Prevention Tribunal judge Pranoy Kumar Das delivered the verdict on Wednesday.
Masud Molla, the 40-year-old convict, was accused of rape in Mohammadpur Upazila eight years ago.
An additional six months was added to his jail term after Masud failed to pay a fine of Tk 20,000 imposed by the court.
On Oct 13, 2010, Masud broke into the house of a young girl at night and raped her at the point of a weapon, Abu Bakkar, the state prosecutor said.
“Masud promised to marry the girl when she became pregnant but later refused to do so,” he added.
The girl started a case of rape against him on May 4, 2011.
After the girl gave birth to a boy, Masud denied having fathered the child.