Rapist gets RI for life in Bagerhat


Bagerhat Correspondent :
Md Nur-e-Alam, Judge of the Anti Women and Children Repression Tribunal-2, Bagerhat, in a judgment delivered on Wednesday, convicted one Khoka Hawladar (46) and sentenced him to suffer rigorous imprisonment for life on the charge of committing rape with a mother forcibly in presence of her 2 children and to pay a fine of Tk.20 thousand in default to suffer another rigorous imprisonment for 6 months more. At the time of delivering the judgment the convicted was present in the court. The convicted is the son of one late Abdus Sattar Hawladar of village Uttar Fulhata within Baharbunia Union under Morrelganj Upazila in Bagerhat district.
The prosecution story, in short, is that at the night (at about 8 pm) of May 31 in the year 2015 the convicted rapist entered the house of the victim mother (25) of the same village (Uttar Fulhata) taking the opportunity of the absence of her husband (from the house) and committed rape with her forcibly in presence of two children after threatening the death of the children. After committing rape the convicted snatched away the victim’s mobile phone and some gold ornaments and fled away. After the incident the husband who was a business man of Fulhata Bazar returned home and found her wife unconscious. In the following morning the husband of the victim lodged a case with Morrelganj PS under Anti Women and Children Repression Act against the rapist. After completing the medical examination of the victim and investigating into the matter police submitted a charge sheet to the court on August 29 in the same year against the rapist.
 The learned judge after examining the evidences and 9 witnesses found the accused guilty and awarded him the aforesaid punishment.
