Rapes and gang-rapes in the transport sector: Police must be professionally responsible

A CITIZEN platform reported that at least 21 women were either ‘raped’ or ‘gang-raped’ in public transports across the country in the last 13 months. Nine of them were gang-raped by drivers and helpers of the vehicles while the rest in other 12 incidents. News media reported that law enforcers have so far arrested 55 people in connection with the incidents but the trials of the heinous crimes have not yet started. We know, the transport workers enjoy impunity for their unruly and uncontrolled activities. Except for some cases, in most time transport workers stay out of legal scanner. Because they belong to the powerful group of government supporters. In every sector of life there are some who think they have protectors and law will not punish them. Even when police arrest them they have this belief that some excuses will be found to set them free.

With the rise of women’s mobility for jobs and studies, their security on public transports has become top most necessity for reasons of safety everywhere. Seemingly, the drivers and their helpers violate the vulnerable female passengers with no fear of being arrested by police. It is also suspected that these people have special relationship with the local police.

Politicisation of police has made the force weak and inefficient in dealing with the people committing crime. The police are used for protecting the government than saving the general public from crimes. Otherwise the vehicle drivers or their helpers would not have dared to commit such crimes so often and so freely.


The social protest has also ceased to be as strong as it was because of the general atmosphere of insecurity in public life. The people are not sure of police acting for the helpless ones. The police are less professional and more political.

Not only daring sex crimes are often committed publicly but grave crimes are also on rapid rise. Police are busy protecting the government VIPs and the illegalities they commit while their main responsibility should be on the side of common people protecting them from criminals.

We want to see awareness among police to behave and act as truly people’s police. For the government VIPs let them have their own security police. But the government should not fail to take note that people are spending their money on police for not remaining helpless before the criminals.
