Dr Kamal says: Rape incidents turned epidemic

Staff Reporter :
Raising alarm at the growing incidents of rape in the country, Gono Forum and Jatiya Oikyafront leader Dr. Kamal Hossain on Saturday urged people to forge movement to ensure a social people’s security and to establish the rule of law.
“Rape incident has turned into an epidemic as we are getting news of rape incidents from not only in Dhaka, but also in Chattogram and from across the country every morning through newspapers,” Dr Kamal said.
While addressing a human chain in front of the Jatiya Press Club in Dhaka, the eminent jurist blamed the deteriorating law and order situation for increasing the rape incidents.
“Why is the rape incident is on a rising trend? It is really a deep concern for us,” Dr Kamal said at the human chain.
Claiming that it is constitutionally recognised that there will be rule of law and security of people’s lives and properties in the country, Dr Kamal said, those who take charge of the country should give the first priority to these two issues.
“Why will it not stop? It should be stopped immediately and effective step should be
taken to this end. Otherwise, give the people a scope so that they can elect a capable government to free the society from terrorism collectively,” Dr Kamal said.
He also criticised the government for its failure in dealing with the issues and said, in a true sense there is no democracy in the country.
“We yet see a light of hope as people are standing around now. Let’s come forward united to continue the fight for establishing effective democracy in the country,” he said.