Rangpur region farmers happy with excellent jute price

RANGPUR: The farmers are happy to get excellent market price of newly harvested jute after getting its better production in all five districts under Rangpur Agriculture Region this season.
RANGPUR: The farmers are happy to get excellent market price of newly harvested jute after getting its better production in all five districts under Rangpur Agriculture Region this season.
BSS, Rangpur :
Farmers under five districts of Rangpur agriculture region are happy with an excellent market price of the newly harvested jute amid achieving a better production of the crop in the current season.
Officials of the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) said the farmers produced over 5.83 lakh bales of jute in all five districts of Rangpur, Kurigram, Gaibandha, Nilphamari and Lalmonirhat of the region this season.
Currently, the farmers are selling their newly produced jute fibre at rates between Taka 1,500 and 2,250 per mound (every 40 kilogram) depending on the varieties and quality of the fibre.
Horticulture specialist of DAE at its regional office Khondker Md Mesbahul Islam said a target of producing over 6.83-lakh bales of jute from 61,625 hectares of land was fixed for the region this year.
The fixed target included production of 6.33-lakh bales of ‘Tosha’ variety of jute fibre from 56,300 hectares of land, 49,191 bales of ‘Deshi’ variety fibre from 5,295 hectares and 253 bales of ‘Mechta’ variety of jute fibre from 30 hectares of land.
However, the farmers had cultivated jute on 49,657 hectares of land, less by 11,968 hectares than the fixed farming target.
“Of the target, the farmers had cultivated ‘Tosha’ variety of jute on 45,881 hectares, ‘Deshi’ variety on 3,361 hectares and ‘Mechta’ variety on415 hectares in the region,” Islam said.
He identified inadequacy of quality jute seed, excessive rainfalls during
seed sowing period, cultivation of Aus rice on more lands as reasons behind shortfall in achieving the fixed farming target.
“The farmers produced 31,336 bales of ‘Deshi’ variety jute with yield ratem of 9.32 bales per hectare, over 5.48 lakh bales of jute with 11.96 bales per hectare and 3,316 bales of ‘Mechta’ variety jute with 7.99 bales per hectare this season,” Mesbahul added.
Deputy director of the DAE at its regional office Md Moniruzzaman said necessary assistance and training were provided to the farmers for easily separating and rotting of jute fibre adopting latest technologies to ensure better quality of the fibre.
“Adequate supply of quality jute seed and popularisation of latest farming technologies could further increase production and export of jute as demand of the eco-friendly fibre is increasing all over the globe as a substitute to the synthetic fibre,” he said.
“Cultivation of jute got a newer dimension after the present government declared jute as the national agricultural product and made use of jute sacs mandatory in various sectors,” Moniruzzaman added.
Talking to BSS at different jute markets in the district on Friday, farmers Aminul Islam, Barkat Ullah and Abdul Kaiyum expressed satisfaction over selling their ‘Tosha’ variety jute fibre at rates between taka 2,100 and 2,250 per mound.
235 challenged students get Tk 23.27 lakh support in Rajshahi RAJSHAHI, Sept 14, 2018 (BSS) – A total of 235 physically challenged students have received financial support worth Tk 23.27 lakh so that they can continue their study.
Department of Social Services (DSS) provided the support as stipend to the students from primary to higher education levels.
Local office of the department distributed the stipend among students at a cheque distribution programme at the conference hall of Deputy Commissioner’s office yesterday afternoon.
Rajshahi City Corporation mayor AHM Khairuzzaman Liton attended the ceremony as the chief guest with DC SM Abdul Kader in the chair.
Divisional Director of the department Zulfikar Haider, its deputy director Rashedul Kabir and assistant director Dr Abdullah Al Firoj were present.
Rashedul Kabir said a total of 1,865 physically challenged students were given stipend worth Tk 20.31 crore in the city and nine upazilas of the district till June last.
Some 140 transgender students also got allowance worth Tk 6.43 lakh. Speaking on the occasion, Liton said the present government has taken many steps for the welfare of students with special needs. “Considering their vulnerable condition, the government has launched many
