Rangpur hopes against hopes to seal BBPL play-off


Rangpur Rangers refused to give up the hopes of playing the play-off phase of the Bangabandhu Bangladesh Premier League (BBPL) despite the involvement of so many ifs and buts.
Rangpur is currently placed in the sixth position with eight points from 10 matches. Just two wins in the rest of the two games won’t be enough to give them a place in the play-off rather they have to wait for the outcomes of the other team also.
English batsman Tom Abell, who led the Rangpur Rangers in one match before Shane Watson takes over, said he is hoping against the hope to go into the play-off still.
“From a team point of view it’s been a little frustrating. We had a bad start in the competition. Now we have to win two games well and hope for the other results to go our way,” Abell said.
“For myself first experience in Bangladesh has been great. We got a really good team. Met some really good people as well it was a big learning place for me,” he added.
Abell believes that the inclusion of Shane Watson changed the spirit of their team as they won three of four when the Australian led the side.
“Watson is obviously one of the best T20 players in the world and I think that’s going to give any team a big boost. From what brings a great boost to the squad as a captain as well.
It gives everyone a little bit more confidence having him in top of the order. So yeah fortunes have changed since his arrival,” Abell remarked.
Abell added that he is very impressed with Naim Sheikh’s batting as he feels that the youngster has the ability to go a long way.
“Naim is a very talented lad. Probably the standout batsman in this competition,” he heaped praise on Naim.
“He obviously played some really good innings against India-a huge talent and a great player at the top of the order. Hopefully he can go from strength to strength and make a permanent place in the Bangladesh dressing room as well,” he said.
Abell said that their bowlers did a good job but failed due to their batting.
“They are very quality bowlers. We have got a really good bowling attack. Our batting hasn’t fired in this tournament. They are fantastic bowlers,” he signed off.
