Rangpur City Corporation polls Dec 21

UNB, Dhaka :
The second election to Rangpur City Corporation will be held on December 21 next.
The Election Commission (EC) took the decision at a meeting on Tuesday, EC acting Secretary Helaluddin Ahmed said, adding that the schedule for the polls will be announced on November 5.
He said closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras will be installed in important (vulnerable) polling stations and electronic voting machines (EVMs) will be used in a polling centre
on a trial basis in the local body election.
Helaluddin said the Commission will take the decision the about the CCTV cameras after receiving a list of important polling stations from intelligence agencies, local administration and the returning officer.
About national identity (NID) cards, the EC acting secretary said the fresh voters will be given laminated NID cards first. Some 11.8 million people became new voters after 2012, he said, adding that the Commission decided to provide them with laminated NID cards.