Rangpur City Corporation election is a litmus test for EC

THE electoral battle for Rangpur City Corporation today is crucial for all the three – Awami League, BNP and Jatiya Party as they are considering the polls from different perspectives. But more than who wins or lose, it’s a crucial litmus test for the Election Commission to arrange it in the most efficient and neutral manner. Also irrespective of winning or losing, we expect the political parties to accept the results. Moreover, if the future mayor is elected from the opposition party, the government shouldn’t anyhow restrict and control his activities or unnecessarily put him behind the bars. A number of such incidents have happened in recent times. Not to forget, a winner from the opposition is also an elected representative.  
Historically, our record of holding polls has been marred by dissension and violence; which has ultimately resulted in the sapping of public confidence in our democratic system and institutions. But a change to this prevailing unwholesome tradition is essential. Though city mayoral elections are held at a local level following a limited participation, but they appeared useful in giving clear hints about first-hand popularity ratings of our political parties and overall political wind. The country is expecting to hold what is arguably one of the most important parliamentary elections in its history next year, especially given that the previous one in 2014 was seriously tarnished by controversy. Thus, for the EC and the various parties that will be contesting the polls, the mayoral election could be taken as a preparatory test before that. How the EC handles its responsibilities will play a big role in restoring the confidence of the people in the system.
Some 400 thousand Rangpur city dwellers are likely to participate in today’s polls and we expect the law enforcement agencies to ensure peaceful voting. Apart from that, the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) will also be used in one of the polling centers on a trial and error basis – the EC should not only make the best of it but also pinpoint its reliability and weaknesses.