‘Rampal Power Plant not harmful for Sundarbans’


The world’s largest mangrove forests, the Sundarbans will not face any environmental hazard due to the establishment of the Rampal Power Station.
According to a feasibility study and the Environmental Impact Assessment outcome, the establishment of Rampal Power Plant will not create any environmental risk for the mangrove forests.
State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resource Nasrul Hamid said this on Wednesday in the Jatiya Sangsad in replying to a tabled question from treasury bench member Begum Hajera Khatun of women seat-39.
To be set up almost 14 kms away from the Sundarbans, the plant would have the Ultra Super Critical technology for power generation, he said adding, there is no possibility of creating any risk for the mangrove forests.
On the other hand, the State Minister said, the mangrove forests is particularly suitable for absorbing carbon-di-oxide. .
The power plant will also create alternative income for the people who are living around the forests and ultimately the forests will be protected from damage due to the power plant, Hamid added.
