Rampal plant to be a ‘poisonous gas chamber’: BNP

UNB, Khulna :
BNP senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi on Saturday alleged that the government is setting up a ‘poisonous gas chamber’ by implementing the Rampal power plant near the Sundarbans just to appease India.
“The under-construction power plant at Rampal near the Sundarbans will turn into a poisonous gas chamber for the southern region. The biodiversity and flora and fauna of the Sundarbans will be destroyed with the adverse effect of the plant,” he said.
He came up with the remarks while speaking at Khulna city BNP’s representative meeting at Khulna Press Club.
Rizvi said their party wants power generation for the country’s development, but not at the cost of the Sundarbans. “The current undemocratic government is rigid in its stance on the Rampal power plant ignoring the protest of lakhs of people only to keep India happy.”
He alleged that Awami League leaders are siphoning off huge money and buying lands and apartments in different countries, including Canada,
against their wives’ names. “An area in Canada is now known as Begumganj with so many houses and apartments owned by ruling party leaders’ wives.”
The BNP leader said the ruling party leaders are making huge money by indulging plundering in the name of development activities. “They’re plundering banks and siphoning off the money abroad.”
Rizvi said though people in haor areas are passing through an inhuman life, the government looks unconcerned about their sufferings.
He said the government did not announce the flood-hit haor areas as disaster zones despite repeated calls from their party and other organisations.