11th National Parliamentary election: Rally for Fahmi Golandaz Babel at Gafargaon

Gafargaon (Mymensingh) Correspondent :
 After getting ‘Boat’ symbol of present MP Fahmi Golandaz Babel and AL candidate in the coming national election , AL leaders and activists brought out a large procession at Gafargaon under Mymensingh on Monday evening .
 Before starting procession a discussion meeting was arranged by AL supporters. Upazila Parishad Chairman Asraf Uddin Badal, Pouro Mayor S.M. Ikbal Hussain Sumon, Saltia UP Chairman Najmul Haque Dhali, Convener of Sechha sebokleague Awrongo Helal, Upazila Juboleague Convener-Salah Uddin Polash, Joint-convener- Abu- Kawser, Pourosava Juboleague convener- Mahmud Hasan Sajib, Joint-convener- Tajmun Ahmed, Projonmoleague Secretary- Faridul Alam Sajib, Upazila Chhatra League President- Mehedi Hasan Sanil, Secretary Shariful Islam Mondol delivered their speeches in this procession before meeting.